Bracket Builder

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Privacy Policy for BracketBuilder

This page describes the information collected by and/or processed by BracketBuilder.

In the normal usage of BracketBuilder, the following information is collected and stored in local storage using browser technology:

Teaching State

BracketBuilder stores the number of times a teaching callout has been shown as well as whether or not the user has chosen to ignore a particular teaching callout, or ignore all teaching callouts.

Diagnostic Information

Currently, no diagnostic information is collected when an error is encountered. Error messages are presented to the user with a request that the user report the error to the authors (see Fatal Errors/exceptions).

If the user chooses to report an error via email to the authors, then the users email address will be disclosed to the authors along with any information provided in the email. The information provided may be used for the following purposes:

  • The authors will not sell or share this information in any way with a 3rd party.
  • This information may be used to diagnose and fix issues to improve the quality of future releases
  • This information may be used in the development of features for future releases
  • This information may be used in the ideation and development of other product offerings by Thetasoft LLC

Other Personal Information

Excluding the preceding items, BracketBuilder does not collect any other information about user. No information about the user's identity is stored on the computer or transmitted to a server for storage.

Attribution and Acknowledgment

Any information provided to the authors may be used without attribution to the original user. This includes any product or feature suggestions.

The authors may acknowledge (and thank) the user for reporting issues to the team, however we will not initiate any further contact unless the user explicitly says this is OK.

Changing this Policy

In the future, BracketBuilder may implement automatic error reporting. This policy will be updated to include a detailing of all information uploaded regarding in these (not yet implemented) diagnostic reports.

This policy may also be updated in the future to further clarify and/or enumerate how information is handled and used.